Jika kamu sedang mencari advis atas pertanyaan: Practice the dialog with your friend. Then, answer the questions that follow. Pharmacist : Can I hel..., maka kamu berada di alam yang tepat.
Disini siap beberapa jawaban mengenai masalah tersebut. Silakan baca kian lanjut.
Practice the dialog with your friend. Then, answer the questions that follow. Pharmacist : Can I hel...
Practice the dialog with your friend.
Then, answer the questions that follow.
Pharmacist : Can I help you?
: Yes, I need green tea which is good for lossing some weight.
Pharmacist : Sure. Is it for you or your mom?
: It's for my mother.
Pharmacist : I see. Wait a second, please.
A few moments later
Pharmacist : Here you are.
Tari : O, there are many. Let me read the labels then.
Pharmacist : Yes, please.
: Well, I'll take this one.
Pharmacist : Good choice. It also contains mood enhancing and energy booster. Please pay at the cashier
there. Thank you.
: You're welcome.
Jawaban #1 untuk Pertanyaan: Practice the dialog with your friend.
Then, answer the questions that follow.
Pharmacist : Can I help you?
: Yes, I need green tea which is good for lossing some weight.
Pharmacist : Sure. Is it for you or your mom?
: It's for my mother.
Pharmacist : I see. Wait a second, please.
A few moments later
Pharmacist : Here you are.
Tari : O, there are many. Let me read the labels then.
Pharmacist : Yes, please.
: Well, I'll take this one.
Pharmacist : Good choice. It also contains mood enhancing and energy booster. Please pay at the cashier
there. Thank you.
: You're welcome.
what is the letter talking about
Jawaban #2 untuk Pertanyaan: Practice the dialog with your friend.
Then, answer the questions that follow.
Pharmacist : Can I help you?
: Yes, I need green tea which is good for lossing some weight.
Pharmacist : Sure. Is it for you or your mom?
: It's for my mother.
Pharmacist : I see. Wait a second, please.
A few moments later
Pharmacist : Here you are.
Tari : O, there are many. Let me read the labels then.
Pharmacist : Yes, please.
: Well, I'll take this one.
Pharmacist : Good choice. It also contains mood enhancing and energy booster. Please pay at the cashier
there. Thank you.
: You're welcome.
Trus ini mau diapain? Kan itu cuma percakapan
Sekian tanya-jawab mengenai Practice the dialog with your friend. Then, answer the questions that follow. Pharmacist : Can I hel..., agar dengan ini bisa kontributif menyelesaikan masalah kamu.